New "Try B4 U Buy" Barcode Verifier Plan from Symbology, Inc.
Clients can try out a verifier before making a purchase decision with the "Try B4 U Buy" program. For a minimal fee, users can try out one of the ISO/ANSI conforming hand held barcode verifiers for 30 days. If they love it….they can buy it with the testing fee applying towards the purchase price. If they don't love it, they simply return it with no further obligation.
Aperture size, portability, code format/symbology are all factors in finding the easiest, most accurate verification/inspection equipment for specific applications. We will provide expertise throughout the selection process, to help ensure that users find the best fit in verifiers. And now, the availability of hands-on testing takes the anxiety out of the buying decision.
The Try B4 U Buy program is available on most hand held barcode verifiers offered by Symbology. For details, or to set up a trial period, contact the Sales Department - 800.328.2612 x 1085 (763.315.8085).