Linear Barcode Verifiers Products Barcode Verification

Many models operate using PC based hardware and application software. All linear equipment conforms to the latest ISO/ANSI print quality standards. Choose the model that best matches the size of barcode and the application in which you'll be using it.  You'll find a verifier for everything from corrugated boxes to medical device UDI tracking.

Various aperture sizes are available, as well as verifiers designed to read specific or multiple linear barcodes.
Simply install the software on your computer and plug in the verifier…it's ready to use.

Results of each grade can be printed or stored in the verifier unit.

Linear Verifiers - Hand Held & Desktop
Verifiers - Linear

Axicon 6015
Axicon 6515
Axicon 7015
RJS D4000 Laser Optic
RJS D4000 Auto Optic
RJS VCIR Software
Stratix Xaminer Elite
Webscan TruCheck Laser USB

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